6 Key Writing Tips for First Time Children’s

Book Authors!

writing tips for first time authors

If you are thinking of writing a children’s book of your very own, you should really have a set plan. This is because writing a children’s book is harder that you would expect. Remember that you will have to write for kids. And kids normally have very short attention spans. So getting their full attention could be a bit difficult. This is especially difficult if you are writing a children’s book for the very first time. So before you set out and publish a children’s book for the very first time, you should have a set plan.


Here are 6 key writing tips for first time Children’s book authors!


1. Identify the age group you are writing for

Before you set out and write a children’s book of your very own, you should make sure that you identify the age group you are writing for. This is very important because the different age groups have different levels of reading and storytelling comprehension. So it is best that you identify the age group that you are writing for as early as possible. That way, you could pattern your writing style and concept according to their preferences and capabilities.

2. Come up with a truly unique main character

Aside from identifying which age group you should write for, it is also important that you come up with a truly unique main character. This is very important because your main character is the main focal point of the story. The events and all the major changes in the story, will happen to your main character. So it stands to reason that your main character should really be as unique and interesting as possible. Stay away from clichés and tropes. Come up with a main character that your young readers could relate with and learn to care for. In short, your main character should really be someone that your readers would want as a friend.

3. Keep it fun but simple

writing for kids

Remember that you are writing for kids. So it goes without saying that you should simplify your writing a bit. Avoid using overly complicated wordplay or jargon in your writing. Instead, it would be better if you write in a clear and concise way. But even though you are opting for a simpler writing style, this should not deter you from making your overall story as fun as possible. All in all, the key to writing a truly enjoyable children’s book, is to make sure that your writing is not only easy to understand, but enjoyable as well.

4. The art is very important

If there is one thing you should know about writing for kids, it is the fact that they respond best to visual stimulation. So it is imperative that your illustrations are well made. This is one the best ways you can get and ultimately keep their attention. If you have artistic ability and want to make the book cover and art yourself, that is just fine. Just know that a lot depends on this, so it is imperative that your work is as good as possible. It is advisable that you hire a professional illustrator if you have the budget. This is because most illustrators would have had prior experience drawing art for children’s books, and they have the skills to make your story truly come to life.

5. The parents are a very big factor

If you are going to write a children’s book, you should remember that the ones who have the final say whether or not your book will sell are the parents. This is because the parents are the ones who get to decide what their kids will read. The parents are the ones who will ultimately buy your book. So you should really do your best to impress the parents and convince them to buy your book.  The best way to impress the parents is to convince them that reading your book will prove beneficial for their kids. You could do this by incorporating life lessons into your story. You could also use riddles, brain teasers and other educational tidbits into your book. Overall, the more comprehensive and educational your children’s book, the more attractive it will be to readers.


6. Be careful with your language

When you write your children’s book, you should be careful with the language you use. Remember that you are writing for children, so you should lay off on swear words. Children are very impressionable, and they might pick up these words. Overall, it is best that you keep your language as clean as possible.



Writing a children’s book for the first time could be quite a challenge, because kids get distracted very easily. So you need stories that will not only get their attention, but keep it as well. With these tips, you will be able to write a children’s book with little to no hassle.


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