Creative Writing Activities That Will Motivate You To Write More



Being a writer is not just a profession for some people. It is a way of life, and if you want to be a true writer, you should have day to day activities that will not only enhance your writing skills, but your love for writing as well.

Remember that technical writing skills are important, but if you don’t have the will to write, you will lose interest in the long run. You will need to hone your love for writing as well.

Here are some creative writing activities that will awaken your inner writer.


1. Read new content every day

If you want to increase your writing fervor as much as possible, you should make sure to read new content on a daily basis. The more content you read on a daily basis, the more inspiration you will be able to draw from them.

The content that you read does not need to be on just one topic. You could read books, magazines, and blogs that deal with various genres. The more multifaceted the content you read, the more versatile you will be as a writer.


2. Join a writing group

While you could write on your own, this could get very lonely in the long run. If you want to write on a regular basis, and still have the motivation to keep going, it is a good idea to join a writing group. The best thing about being in a writing group, is that you will be able to feed off your group member’s enthusiasm for writing.


 3. Set up a great writing space

When it comes to awakening your inner author, it is important that you have a great writing space. Remember that you will be sitting down, and writing for hours on end. If your writing space, is not comfortable then it won’t be conducive to writing either. When you choose your writing space, you should choose one that you are comfortable in, and is easy to get access to. The writing space could be anywhere. It could be in your home, your public library or a café. What’s important is that your writing space is well-lit, and has comfortable seating options to choose from.


4. Learn and use a new word every day

One of the most important things about staying motivated as a writer, is to challenge yourself on a daily basis. If you don’t challenge yourself on a daily basis, you run the risk of losing interest in the writing process. By learning a new word, and using it in your work, you will be able to challenge yourself to write better content.


 5. Reach out to established writers for mentorship

If you just started out as a writer, it may be a difficult prospect to start a writing career. If you have access to established writers in your area, you should really reach out for a mentorship with them. Remember that being a writer is a challenging endeavor for newbies, and it is during this part of your writing career, that you are at your most vulnerable. As a rule, you should make sure that you have a mentor that you could ask essential questions about the writing process.


6. Write a poem every day

If you want to stay motivated as a writer, it is a good idea to write a poem on a daily basis. By writing a poem on a daily basis, you will be able to get your creative juices moving. Writing a poem usually takes a great deal of linguistic skill, and a flexible mind to do. The activity could even be considered as a warm up before you do get started on the writing process.


7. Have your work critiqued on a regular basis

While having your work checked by other writers is a daunting thought, you should still have your work critiqued. Remember that you don’t really know whether or not your work is good, until you have it scrutinized by fellow writers. This may be a scary prospect for some writers, however, it is a necessary aspect of being a writer.



If you want to awaken your inner writer, and stay interested in the writing process, you should practice the right writing activities to stay motivated. With these activities, you’ll be able to awaken your passion for writing.

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