5 Great Tips to Jumpstart Your Book Cover




If you are marketing a book of your very own, you should remember that your book cover is key. This is because your book cover is one of the first things that your perspective readers will see of your book. And the more attractive your book cover, the more chances that your perspective client picks up your book. So even though it may sound shallow, the attractiveness of the book cover really does matter. So it is imperative that you make a truly great book cover design. But this is easier said than done because there are a myriad of books out there. And competition is fierce. So you will need a set strategy.

Here are 5 Great tips to help your book cover design truly stand out.

1. Identify your target market

Before you set out and make your book cover design, you should first identify your target market. By doing so, you will know who you are going to market your book. And by knowing your target market, you will be able to pattern your book cover design according to their preferences and tastes. You should also base your book cover design according to your chosen genre, because it will make the book cover design process a lot more effective and efficient.

2. Use neutral and eye-pleasing colors

When it comes to choosing a book cover design, you should really use neutral and eye-pleasing colors. Remember that your perspective readers should find your book cover design attractive. And it really won’t help if you use garish and overly bright colors. Not only will these kinds of colors hurt your reader’s eyes. It will also make your book cover look cheap and unattractive. So if you are going to choose a color for your book cover design, it is better that you use neutral and eye-pleasing colors, such as Light green, Hazel, Peach or Light blue. These types of colors not only look good, they also complement most illustrations.

3. Keep your book cover design neat

keep your book cover design neat

Aside from using eye-pleasing colors, it is also a good idea to keep your book cover design night. Try to avoid using too many illustrations in your book cover. Try to keep things clean and just use illustrations and images when you need to. Overloading your book cover will not only make your design look messy, but confusing as well. So you should really maintain a minimalistic outlook on your book cover design.

4. Use good quality images and illustrations

As it was stated earlier, you should be very picky when it comes to the book images and illustrations that you use. This is because your illustrations signify the quality of your book and the time you put into the publishing process. So if your images are just stock images or barely comprehensible doodles, how do you think this will come out to your potential readers? They will think that your book is cheap and tacky. They will think that you only put the bare minimum of effort into your work. So when you choose your illustrations and images, you should really make an effort. Purchase good quality images and have a professional create your illustrations. When you choose an illustrator, you should also be very picky. Because there are a myriad of illustrators out there. So you should take the time to look at their past work and experience working with other writers. Of course illustrators, won’t come cheap and it might cost you a tidy sum. It might seem expensive now, but it will really make a difference once you do release your book.


5. Incorporate your book’s concepts to your cover design

Aside from making your book cover as attractive as possible, it is also a good idea to incorporate your book’s concepts to your book cover. This does not mean that you divulge too much to the reader. Instead, you should use some elements of your book’s story on the cover design. By doing so, you will be able to give your potential readers an inkling of what your book is about, without divulging too much.



If you want to increase your book’s chances of attracting readers, you should jump-start your book cover design. Here are some great tips for designing your book cover.


Writers Republic’s Book Cover Design gives you the freedom of choosing your preferred cover theme. Check out these reviews from authors of Writers Republic and you will see that it is the company for you. Let Writers Republic help you out by designing the book cover of your dreams!

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