7 Effective Tips for Overcoming Writing Procrastination

overcoming writing procrastination

If you want to be as efficient a writer as possible, it is important that you don’t waste time. Remember that every writer is given the same amount of time in a day. What the writer does with that time will affect his or her success. One of the worst things a writer can do is procrastinate.

What is procrastination? It is the act of putting off work and doing something else. This mentality is particularly bad because it makes you feel like you are doing work when you are in fact not. This is particularly bad for writers, because they won’t be able to create new content.

Here are some effective tips for overcoming writing procrastination.


1. Set a schedule for yourself

Before you set out to become a writer, you should make sure to set a schedule for your daily writing sessions. No matter how disciplined you are, if your writing schedule is inconsistent, there is a very big chance that you’ll fall prey to procrastination. As a rule, you should set a schedule for yourself and follow it to the letter.

Your writing session could be set at any time of the day. The session could be early in the morning, afternoon, or at night when everyone at the house has gone to sleep. The time does not really matter. What’s important is that you are able to follow the schedule on a daily basis and still be able to fulfill your other day to day responsibilities.


2. Follow a word count

Aside from having a schedule, you should also have a word count for all your writing sessions. Remember that your word count will show how much work you were able to do during your writing session.

Consider your word count as a kind of quota that you have to meet at every writing session. Each writer has a certain capacity to write a specific number of words every session. Some could write 2000 words while others could only write 500. You should make sure to know your limits, and follow a word count that you can handle.

There is really no point in trying to meet a word count that you cannot consistently fulfill. Remember that you will need to enjoy your writing sessions. If you constantly feel pressured to reach an unrealistic number of words in every writing session, then you will only damage your writing motivation.

If you want to gauge your word count, you should check out the word counts of established writers. Here are the ten daily word counts of famous writers.


3. Train yourself to write every day

There will be times when you won’t want to write. Every writer feels lazy sometimes. However, if you want to achieve great things as a writer, it is important that you write on a daily basis. This is not a matter of writing motivation. You should write every day because you want to make it a habit. Try to write each and every day until it has become a part of your routine. Your main goal is to make writing so integral to your life, that you feel incomplete without writing.


4. Read new content every day


Aside from writing on a daily basis, you should make sure that you read new content on a daily basis. The more you read, the more inspiration you will have to write. You could read any kind of content. Whether you read a whole novel, an article, or even listen to an audiobook, it does not matter. What’s important is that the content is new and will add to your store of writing inspiration.


5. Work with fellow writers

Writing does not need to be a solitary activity. If you want to stay motivated, you could always work with fellow writers. This will make your writing sessions more fun and invigorating. You could reach out to fellow writers, and ask them to meet up for a cup of coffee. Through these joint writing sessions, you will be able to show your work to fellow writers and get much-needed feedback on how to improve your writing style.


6. Follow a healthy lifestyle

Aside from being motivated, it is important that you follow a healthy lifestyle. Remember that even if you are motivated, but your body is unhealthy, then you will not be able to give the writing sessions your all. If you want to be the best writer you can be, it is important that you have a healthy lifestyle. How could you write well if you are always feeling under the weather? You should make sure to eat a healthy diet and exercise on a daily basis.


7. Have a long term writing goal

Being a professional writer means that you think of writing as a lifestyle. As a rule, you should never give yourself a deadline. Think of writing as part of your life, and set long term writing goals for yourself. This is especially important if you just started on your writing.

Take the time to choose goals that will take time to accomplish. This could be a novel, or setting up your own writing blog. The goal can be practically anything. What’s important is that the goal will take time to accomplish and that you stay focused throughout your writing journey.



When it comes to being an efficient writer, it is important that you avoid procrastination. Remember that procrastination could lead you to wasting time. With these tips, you’ll be able to overcome writing procrastination.


If you want to learn more about being a more productive writer, you should check out Writers Republic. Get a free consultation and be the best writer you could be.


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