5 Easy to Follow Dialogue Writing Tips for

Newbie Writers!

 tips for writing dialogue

Being a newbie writer could be quite a challenge because there are so many facets of the writing process that you have to take account of. One such aspect is dialogue writing. Being able to write great dialogue is very important for writers, because your dialogue will add color and insight into your writing. It will also give you a chance to create more complete and relatable characters. So before you start writing a book or screenplay you should know how to write good dialogue.


Here are 5 Easy to follow dialogue writing tips for newbie


 dialogue writing tips

1. Make your dialogue sound as real as possible

If there’s one thing you should remember when writing dialogue, is that it should be as realistic as possible. If your dialogue feels too contrived or fake, it may end up annoying your readers and make your work look cheap. It will also make your writing sound amateurish and lacking in any realism. So when you write your dialogue, you should make your characters sound like real people. Have them bluster, stutter, cuss and even lose track of what they are saying. The dialogue should always sound like a real conversation.


2. The dialogue should move the story forward

Aside from your dialogue being as realistic as possible, your dialogue should also be able to move your story forward. The dialogue should be a catalyst of change. This change could come in the form of a confrontation between two characters or the revelation of a secret. How you handle a dialogue will ultimately show your skills as a writer.


3. The dialogue should add depth to the characters

The dialogue is a very effective way to introduce and add depth to your characters. When you write your characters, you should give them a different speech pattern and accent. That way you can color your dialogues and also introduce key qualities of your characters at the same time. It will also make your dialogues more spontaneous and realistic.


4. Your dialogues should have a clear motivation

Although you should make your dialogues as spontaneous as possible, there should also be a clear motivation. Don’t just write a dialogue without a clear motivation. Real people don’t just talk with one another without a reason. There are a myriad of reasons why people engage in dialogue. It could be to have an exchange of ideas, have a disagreement, small talk, etc. Overall, when you write your dialogues you should always have a set motivation.


5. Don’t make the dialogue overly long

When you write your dialogue, it is always important that you make it short and sweet. This is because an overly long dialogue is unrealistic and tends to annoy readers. Keep your dialogue to a few sentences at minimum, and don’t use flowery or over specific jargon.


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